If you use Safe Flight’s SCc as it’s intended—which is really a speed control computer—our flight trials proved that it can lead to more consistent on-speed approaches. This, of course, can lead to a better landing flare and hopefully, a smoother touchdown. This saves wear and tear on the tires, brakes, airframe and best of all, avoids an unintended trip into the weeds—or worse. You should be able to get the same positive results from referencing a properly calibrated airspeed indicator, but Safe Flight’s speed control system is simply more intuitive for dialing in the correct speed for the conditions. This also includes takeoff and climb.
In our trials, before takeoff on a gusty runway 36 at Waterbury Oxford Airport in Connecticut, the drill was to position the AoA reference marker in the center of the display, adjacent to the three-dot green indication in the center of the display. After rotation, using the SCc to maintain an on-speed climb proved far easier than flying the mechanical airspeed indicator, which was fluctuating as much as +/- 15 knots in the moderate turbulence. If you use the display as an airspeed trend indicator, you’ll likely have better results getting the aircraft on speed and keeping it there.
So is the SCc an AoA, speed control computer or a stall warning system? It can actually be used for all of those purposes, even though it’s not intended to replace the existing stall warning system or airspeed indicator, of course. But we think the SCc betters the stall warning system simply because the indexer/computer is an in-your-face device, positioned in the same location your eyeballs should be when taking off and landing. Once you fly with it, you’ll likely be focused on it during every takeoff and landing. While we don’t think it—or any other AoA system—is the solve-all for stall/spin loss of control wrecks, we’re convinced it can help pilots achieve what they should be doing anyway: fly the correct climb and approach speed every time.