We always though uAvionix could sell more of its feature-rich 3-inch AV-30 EFIS instruments if it did what Garmin’s entry-level G5 could do. That includes playing in wide third-party autopilot interfaces and being equipped with an electronic HSI display for GPS/VHF vertical course guidance.
This lack of nav and GPS interface capability has limited the AV-30 mostly to VFR flying, but uAvionix has announced the upgrade (both hardware and software) we’ve been waiting for.
At first blush, the AV-HSI remote digital/analog and autopilot converter, plus new software version 2.4.1, kick the AV-30 interface up several notches.
Digital I/O

For years, ARINC digital data streaming has been the standard nav and GPS interconnect in the avionics world and displays without an ARINC bus (or analog converter) are limited because they simply can’t fully interface with Avidyne and Garmin navigators, and in particular, vertical course and glideslope guidance for ILS and GPS LPV approaches.
The uAvionix AV-HSI smart converter accessory gets it done in the AV-30 interface, with support for essentially all Avidyne IFD and Garmin GTN/GNS GPS navigators. It will work with the GPS-only Garmin GPS 175/GNC 355/GNX 375 navigators, plus the legacy GPS 155XL.
The converter also works with Garmin’s GNC 255 navcomm, Garmin/Apollo SL30 navcomm, Trig’s TX56/57 navcomms and the Val Avionics NAV 2000 navigation radio.

AV-30 with legacy S-TEC autopilots using the AV-APA heading signal emulator.
The small AV-HSI accessory bridges the interface gap with three ARINC 429 channels (the AV-30 only accepts serial data) for direct interfacing with the GPS units, plus four serial ports for interfacing with VHF nav radios.
One AV-HSI converter can work with multiple AV-30 displays for navigation guidance, plus synchronized baro setting, heading bug and OAT data. A second adapter (AV-APA) is used for communicating with S-TEC rate-based autopilots—which includes the System 20,/30/40/ 50 models. It enables GPS track hold, GPS desired track, GPS bearing and GPSS digital steering when using the EHSI.